Tuttotondo Uva Fragola Lozione Corpo Antiossidante contiene burro di karité e burro di mango dalle proprietà nutrienti e protettive. Estratti di vite rossa, melograno e acqua di tè rosso rigenerano e proteggono la pelle dai radicali liberi grazie ad acidi grassi polinsaturi, polifenoli, flavonoidi, vitamine (A, C, B1, B2, PP) e minerali.
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Strawberry grape, with its peculiar scent which is reminiscent of the iconic red fruit, is known for its highly antioxidant properties, as it is rich in beneficial ingredients such as polyphenols, antioxidants, sodium, potassium and especially, vitamins A, B and C which act against ageing and free radicals.
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